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Marriage Counseling/Couple Therapy

Has COVID-19 affected your relationship? Has working from home changed how you communicate with your partner? Unsure how this relationship changed and more importantly how can you get back to that feeling that brought you two together in the first place?

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Infidelity Therapy

Couples I meet with after a betrayal feel many ways: ashamed, anxious, embarrassed, angry, sad, shocked, depressed and find it very challenging to move forward. That is where I can help.

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Anxiety Counseling

Do you constantly think about what is happening all around us during this pandemic? Is anxiety at an all-time high? Do panic attacks happen often? Let’s get started on turning things around for you.

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Depression Counseling

Has COVID-19 affected your mood? You are not alone. Do you have less interest in things you used to? Has your sleep pattern totally changed? Are you losing your appetite or lost unintentional weight? Depression is extremely common. Let’s get started on taking your life back!

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Stress Management Counseling

Managing stress is a key to getting through tough times. We are experiencing lots of new routines, changes and challenges due to COVID-19. With all of this, comes lots of stress. How are you managing it? Let’s have a conversation about what you can do now.

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Individual Therapy

Life is full of all kinds of stress and challenges. They can build up and have a huge impact on many parts of our lives. As a result, relationships with ourselves, partners, family and job performance can erode very quickly.

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Couples Counseling for One

Fact: Even without your partner attending couples counseling right now, you can still work on the relationship.

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